Yoan Blanc’s weblog

Another lost swiss guy

Life: unplugged

Yoan BlancWed, 20 Oct 2010,

As you may know, early this year I decided to live an experience and worked at L'Étivaz, then Le Gros Jable, as a farmer (farmer-helper). My work was focused on the three months we spent at l'Alpage (a chalet in the mountain, at 1824m above the sea) where cheese is made.

One of my goals going there was: to let go. I let everything aside: work, flat, computer, loves and worries. None of these define who you are.

My work usually doesn't require any particular rythm. I can start when I'm ready, stop when I'm bored (or it's finished), eat whenever I'm hungry. Dealing with cows that have to be milked twice a day, milk, cheese fabrication, weather and whatever occurs was a real shift. It's also a daily routine where 80% of what you do has to be done that day at a particular time. This repeatition was far from being boring, surprisingly. You start to master some operations, getting better at them, getting faster, parallelizing what can be. At the beginning everything was very intense in how much attention was required and as the time goes none of them remained as something hard to do. Even cleaning the shit out of where the 43 cows were resting during the day was something that became easy.

What about now? I don't know yet, I'll get back on tracks and catch up with projects I was involved in and try to write about stuff I'm doing to gain visibility. Ain't it right?

As a conclusion, this was a huge experience like many others I did in the past. Surprisingly not the one that created the biggest shock of all. I start learning to go through changes it seems.

Me voilà de retour d'un été à l'alpage du Gros Jable à contribuer à la confection de quelques 225 meules de fromage L'Étivaz AOC. 5 mois passés éloigné d'un ordinateur et de tout ce qui faisait mon quotidien précédemment.

Une très belle expérience où il m'a fallut laisser un quotidien derrière et embrasser un présent rythmé par les bêtes, le fromage et la météo. La vie au chalet est belle, intense et riche. De la triple-crème, au paysage en passant par les visiteurs de passage et les tâches quotidiennes, le temps file comme en très bonne compagnie. À mes temps libres, quelques heures par dimanche, j'ai pu profiter de gravir les sommets alentours : Gummfluh, Rots Hore, La Tornettaz (Para), Le Biolet, La Douve, Le Tarent. On m'a montré où trouver du genépi (une espèce d'absinthe alpestre) et des edelweiss ainsi qu'à suivre les sentiers des chamois et autres bouquetins pour aller dans les lieux les plus escarpés.

Être tous les jours au milieu des montagnes, de vaches, suspendu au milieu d'une vallée à scruter les pentes en amont à la recherche de troupeaux en déplacement, est très apaisant.

À présent, on va tâcher de reprendre la vie d'avant, tam-tam et computer, du sable et du silicium. Quand, comment, rien de bien défini pour le moment.


meYoan Blanc is a web developer that lives in Switzerland (rue des Fahys 15, 2000 Neuchâtel) and works as a freelance.

Get my vCard or contact me by phone (skype:yoan.blanc) or email ().


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