Bikini Test, the first hCal’d Swiss Club

Yoan BlancMon, 25 Sep 2006, , ,

Gilhoo shows me that can display the next events for the Bikini Test: results for Bikini Test.

The question was: How they do that?. There is no iCal, no RSS. It’s pretty strange but the fact is that the guys of rocks.

I decided to add some hCal informations to the Bikini Test’s web site (with cool URI’s too). Now you can import the agenda into your favorite calendar application from a sime link to Technorati convertion tool:

preview with Google Calendar

Next step will be to add some cool links to invite users to discover this new feature and to build an iCal file that users can subscribe to. At the moment, you can only get events month after month or by event.

Warning: this exportation tool still under development and I’ve found a bug in the convertion of the dates, already reported to some technorati guys.

Gilhoo m’pointé le fait que affichait les dates des prochains concerts du Bikini Test : results for Bikini Test.

Une question est venue à nous, mais comment font-ils ? Le site de dispose pas de flux RSS ni de iCal pour son agenda. C’est plutôt étrange, mais ça montre bien le talent des types derrière ce service.

Ci-dessus vous pouvez contempler un aperçu d’un calendrier exporté grâce à Technorati. Testez en ajoutant les évènements de ce week-end ( à votre application d’agenda préférée. (Attention : ce outil est encore en version bêta et peut contenir des bugs)

Digg it!, so, blogmarks, reddit.