Help: WASD or arrows to move, down (or S) to pick up a crate and R to retry.
The top, right, bottom and bottom areas are acting as arrows on your phone.
Credits: made with Tiled, sprites by Kenney Vleugels, otherwise Public Domain.

Welcome to the homepage of

Yoan Blanc

Once you're done playing with the block dude clone above, you may want to consult my resume (in French upon request) or simply keep it touch with me via linkedIn, GitHub, GitLab, the good ol' postal card.

This game was used as a teaching material to gently introduce teenagers to doing fun stuff while programming. Please read the source code and have fun with it.



Centre Nordique de Pouillerel

The one and only nordic skiing website for the Chaux-de-Fonds area.


EditorConfig is the de facto format to hint the text editor about the choices made for a given project with respect to line lenght, encoding, indentation, etc. To avoid time lost in manually checking those items, eclint does those checks and should be run via the continuous integration system of yours.

There is also an article on that subject, Organizing code at scale.


Golang IIIF Image API server using bimg and libvips.

Various contributions


Game development with JavaScript

Using the Phaser library, the students learned the basics of JavaScript and game mecanisms. Mostly physics. The course was following a workshop (Atelier jeux HTML5) built by the mozdevs team. The final project was a multiplayer game. (video, source code).

Python 3

From zero to publishing a project on PyPI (E.g. a Slack bot Frybot, slack-votebot, or a Discord bot Automabot, discord-travisbot, discord-musicbot). Some articles published on Medium: A Slack bot with Python's 3.5 asyncio, and A Discord bot with asyncio.

Web applications II

We drove the students from a basic PHP application into building real and modern web application. Each group is provided with a real Ubuntu server environment (backed by Docker). They built applications using Laravel 5, Ruby on Rails 5 and Django 2.


Deep introduction to XML covering the modeling languages like DTD, XML Schema and RELAX NG, the XSL family (transformation and formatting objects), XPath with regards to CSS and how to combine everything into a useful XProc going from a document to a useful PDF, SVG or HTML document.

From NAND to Tetris

A course based on Building a Modern Computer from First Principles (by Nisan and Schocken) and Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software (by Petzold) that introduce students to the basics of boolean logics and abstract computer components. It uses Verilog, GTKWave and Verilator to guide the students into building a machine that can be ran on their machine (SWIG rocks).


A game prototype to learn C# by walking a little dude out of a dark and dangerous Pyramid. An early prototype with a squid into deep space can be seen on this youtube video.

Contact me:, or Mastodon.